Oi minha familia!
This week has been pretty crazy but todo bem! To start off, Me and Elder Hansen keep finding more and more holes and problems created from the last set of elders. On the bonus side we do feel like we are making some progress with the investigators we are finding and are continuing to build trust with the members! He have met some seriously awesome people.Yesterday we met the old WML (WardMissionLeader) Bro Christensen and he is my favorite! He is totally related to us somewhere somehow! He is an orthodontist and may be able to fix my top retainer ( it broke while I was eating a Quesodilla.. i know.. lame). Bottom line he is the greatest and is hooking us up with some decent help finally! As far as investigators, there is this guy named Doug Lincoln. He is someone who the ward is really protective of because he has been coming to church for a few weeks and he wife is a member and all these great things are happening but they have a hard time trusting Missionaries because they feel like the ones in the past have pushed him pretty hard. But we went over last night and I worked some casual conversation magic and he seems to really like us. He is the man though and Heavenly Father has definitely been preparing him for a long time. He is not on date for a baptism but he is one of those guys that will be baptized undoubtedly just on his own time. I just hope it's while I'm here still. Another sweet investigator we have is this guy named Larry Dahlberg. He has been taking lessons for the past 6 years and his wife is a member so yeah there are a lot of people in the ward that kinda lost hope in the idea of him every joining. He is VERY opinionated and yeah.. let us leave it at that. But me and him are pretty tight! He is a retired mail man, so he plays guitar gigs in bars around the area and he fills extra time with hobbies like gardening and other stuff. Basically, he is kinda like DAD in ten years but if Dad grew up with a Pastor for a father and wore flannels,.. all the time. haha Other missionaries have given up on him but I really like him. We seem to click for the time being but unfortunately the Dahlberg's son died unexpectedly on Sunday morning so they are really down right now. I don't know, maybe Heavenly Father has a plan for them, he just has to chose to see it after this huge trial in his life. Pray for him, he honestly is the coolest guy and Sister Dahlberg is awesome.
We have also taken part in some pretty memorable moves this week. This 50 year lady was one of the previous Elder's investigators and so she called us for help moving because for whatever reason she needs to get out of dodge ASAP... already sketch.. so yeah we helped her with the first half of the move last week and then a few days ago we went over to help her mom pack up with her in a UHAUL. So, being the service minded missionaries we are, we climb into our current WML's car (super sick guy by the way) and drive. We thought it was going to be about a 30 min drive, but NO, we drive out about an hour and a half out into #NoWhereVill USA with dirt roads and trees and hills and snow and she is driving this massive truck and sliding and swerving. We finally get there and there is this Cop who is supposed to show up (never does) and monitor the move because her sister has a restraining order on her and her mother's stuff is all at this house. We walk in and there are probably 1000 dead mounted animals all around. ( I asked them what one animal was and the daughter who was just creeping in the corner was like "AFRICA!" and I was like "oh.. cool/you didn't answer my question?" and then some other elder that was helping us walks in and pulls an Anton and just shouts "AMERICA!" out of nowhere! haha is was a hilarious day!) Also, on top of that, this place smells strait up like CASINO (if they simultaneously smoked gun powder). Sorry just really trying to paint the picture here. So yeah we walk in and all of the contents that the mother has to pack up exceed pretty much any reasonably sized UHAUL. So we are pretty much are like "umm so this cannot fit... You are going to have to start picking what's essential" and she about looses it. So basically we all kinda said a little prayer and then we just started to fill-er up. Turns out that God answers prayers even for things as small as moving your entire collection of Lamps and Cat quilts! We some how managed to fit every single thing into this truck... still doesn't make any sense. It was kinda sad to see how broken the family was but hopefully our service will leave a good impression on them and they can connect with some more missionaries out in Connecticut!
Alright I should bounce off and try to figure out other stuff like pictures so you can really see how much like Ireland this place is...
Amo Vocês MUITO!
Some older pictures he sent from the MTC. Maybe ones of Idaho next week he says. :)
This is with Sister K who is in Nebraska and wrote Mom a note about me
Elder Keck who is currently in Africa!
This picture is with Irmao McGloughlin and he district.